Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Greatest Christmas Ever...

This year my family and I have the wonderful privilege of flying home to my family in Saskatchewan.  It has been about 13 years since we have been to my home for Christmas.  Everybody in my family is really excited and anticipating one of the best Christmas'.  I hope and pray that it will be a memorable one and that our family can look back one with many fond memories.  The question that has struck me is, "what makes a Christmas truly great?"  I think there are a number of things that will make this one of the best Christmas' for our family: First, the anticipation of our trip from our kids has made this Christmas season a special one.  There has been a lot of excitement in the air in our home. 
Secondly, we will be spending it with family that we have not seen in a long time.  Spending time with family is a very important aspect of Christmas.  I have been looking forward to this for quite some time and to see the joy on my mom and dad's face will be priceless.  I also look forward to all the time spent at the homes of my brothers and sisters making a lot of great memories.
Third, any Christmas that is spent reflecting on the Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel is a great Christmas.  This is is what is supposed to separate our Christmas celebration from the word around us.  This is what I challenged my church with at our annual Christmas pot-blessing this past Sunday.  The question we must always wrestle with is, "What makes our celebration different than that of our neighbors who do not know Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord?"  I think it has to do with our worship.  In our materialistic culture, everybody is worshipping the latest toy, gadget or technology.  That is what drives much of our Christmas celebration.  Having these things is not sinful.  But if we are being tempted to spend more than we have in an effort to purse the ultimate goal of happiness, then these things become idols.  And what often happens after Christmas is that all the things we have put our hope in to find happiness have a shelf life.  They do not bring any lasting joy or happiness.  True joy is only found in the one who humbled himself and took on flesh, lived a perfect life, died a sinners death, arose in great victory and is coming back one day in great splendor and power to take His people home.  So, what is driving your Christmas celebration?  Who or what is the object of your worship this Christmas?  Who are you reflecting this Christmas: the sacrificial giving, love, and grace of our heavenly Father in giving is only Son or the idolatry of our culture?  Think about these questions as you approach Christmas.

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